Dream Ranch is a natural learning environment for horses and humans. Our ranch is located in the beautiful oak-studded Huasna Valley, just outside Arroyo Grande, California. Several times each year, we host natural horsemanship clinics for all disciplines and all breeds. We also offer overnight horse boarding, a quiet AirBnB getaway, and hookups for overnight trailer camping.

Build It & They Will Come
Patricia Giz always dreamed of owning her own ranch and horse facility. Her goal is to host clinics where students have the opportunity to learn alongside the best horsemen.
In 2011, Patricia Giz met Lester Buckley at a “Light-Hands Horsemanship” clinic in Santa Ynez. During the meet and greet of all the amazing clinicians, she asked Lester if he would teach at her ranch someday. To her surprise, he said “Yes!”
Just a small technicality: she did not yet own a horse facility!
Over the next few years, as she began putting her visions into place, her dream became a reality. She build a professional facility with an arena, stalls, a barn, and a play park. Clinicians began to reach out and request to teach at Dream Ranch, and as Dream Ranch began to host clinics, students returned year after year. As our community grows, our story continues to unfold.

Join the Community
Because our goal is to cultivate a creative environment for natural horsemanship, we are dedicated to creating something new or different with each season. With every clinic hosted at Dream Ranch, we ask the clinician and the students how we can improve. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? We’d love to hear from you!
Every year, we are incredibly blessed with an amazing line-up of clinicians. The returning participation, and the continued growth of new students, makes us always excited for the next event. Check the “Clinics” page for more details on upcoming events.
We can’t wait to share our Dream with you.
Tricia Giz